To deliver quality products produced according to Turkish Coffee culture primarily to the Gaziantep region and to the whole world from this region.
Our Integrated Environmental and Food Safety Policy
To be a leader in our industry,
To implement, develop and continuously improve the processes we carry out in line with quality management and environmental management systems by following technological developments, and thus to continuously increase operational efficiency,
To meet customer expectations and needs for the first time and without mistakes,
Fulfilling the requirements of the quality and food safety management system and continuously increasing its effectiveness,
Preventing personal mistakes by providing continuous training to our personnel,
To carry out the necessary studies for the protection and recovery of existing natural resources and minimizing wastes,
Leaving a good environment for future generations by protecting our limited natural resources with the awareness of "Respect for the Environment",
To work for the development of environmental awareness of all relevant parties, including customers, employees and suppliers,
Customer, legal regulations environmental management system standard and quality management standard, environmental legislation and occupational health and safety by creating a risk-based structure to perform production services in accordance with the specified conditions,
To establish an effective mutual communication with our suppliers, legal authorities and customers involved in the service process,
To work by providing trainings to all our employees in line with our integrated policy